What’s new with the “New”
Well, first things first, when do “new” Bournes become “old Bournes?”. Hopefully never, it doesn’t have as good of a ring to it.
Caleb and I are getting ready to wrap up a chapter in our lives. As of April 19th, we will no longer be a “military” couple. Not that we ever really branded ourselves with that title anyway. I never really played the role of an over embellished Navy Wife. You guys know what I’m talking about, “my sailor” this, “my sailor” that, or have a decorated car that says, “I love my sailor”. It wasn’t my gig. It’s sad to see it all come to an end though. I will always be thankful for him choosing the military, and being sent to San Diego. I can’t imagine where my life would be if it weren’t for him and the military making those decisions. For those of you who know me, you know I have always played my cards very safe. I don’t like change. I like stability, and routine. When Caleb first told me he was probably going to get out, I tried to convince him to stay in. However, the benefits, and secure pay can’t touch the fact that he is unhappy with it. I would rather struggle our whole lives with finding consistent work than him go to a place every day that he doesn’t care for; a place that doesn’t allow us to make plans and travel- a place that could take him away from our family for months on end when we choose to start having babies. It’s just not worth it for me, or for us.
So, that’s what’s happening. He will begin his terminal leave in March and be honorably discharged in April.
If you’re up with my facebook posts (and, how could you not be, they are AMAZING!) then, you have seen what is happening after April. The “new” Bournes are relocating to Missouri.
Well, first things first, when do “new” Bournes become “old Bournes?”. Hopefully never, it doesn’t have as good of a ring to it.
Caleb and I are getting ready to wrap up a chapter in our lives. As of April 19th, we will no longer be a “military” couple. Not that we ever really branded ourselves with that title anyway. I never really played the role of an over embellished Navy Wife. You guys know what I’m talking about, “my sailor” this, “my sailor” that, or have a decorated car that says, “I love my sailor”. It wasn’t my gig. It’s sad to see it all come to an end though. I will always be thankful for him choosing the military, and being sent to San Diego. I can’t imagine where my life would be if it weren’t for him and the military making those decisions. For those of you who know me, you know I have always played my cards very safe. I don’t like change. I like stability, and routine. When Caleb first told me he was probably going to get out, I tried to convince him to stay in. However, the benefits, and secure pay can’t touch the fact that he is unhappy with it. I would rather struggle our whole lives with finding consistent work than him go to a place every day that he doesn’t care for; a place that doesn’t allow us to make plans and travel- a place that could take him away from our family for months on end when we choose to start having babies. It’s just not worth it for me, or for us.
So, that’s what’s happening. He will begin his terminal leave in March and be honorably discharged in April.
If you’re up with my facebook posts (and, how could you not be, they are AMAZING!) then, you have seen what is happening after April. The “new” Bournes are relocating to Missouri.
Home Sweet Home- 04/2014
Wait, whaaaat? This California girl is hanging up her bikini and flip flops and moving to the Midwest. Prior to Caleb and I getting married we had a very strict rule in place; he could not marry me if his intention was to ever move us back to Missouri. So, how did this happen? The fact of the matter is, is California is a dual income state. It’s far too expensive, for far too little. My dreams, and what I want for me and my family are much greater than I could ever do in this state. The best part about it all though, is that I will have my mom moving me, and us. Our future children will have all grandparents to visit (and be spoiled by). His family as well as mine will be there for births, birthdays, and Christmas (Sorry, Bourne family- our children will also believe in Santa ;)). They won’t grow up where sex, drugs, and violence are introduced at a younger age every single year. They will have a chance to figure out who they are before being thrown into the world- something that is damn near impossible to do in fast paced California.
I’m embracing the biggest change of my life. It’s a change that up until recently I never thought I would do. With that though, comes a lot of heartache. I’m leaving behind some of the greatest people I have ever known. I have been beyond blessed to have very close friends who have helped me through my darkest and hardest times. While I will only be a phone call, text, or e-mail away- they won’t be able to just get in their car to be with me. I’ll miss my niece growing up, and being part of her life- like I have always imagined. I will miss birthdays, and births, weddings and anniversaries- and, likewise, they will miss all of that for me. These are girls who, at some point or another, had to worry what my future consisted of and now they are just not going to be there in the same way as they always have been- and THAT is a tough pill for me to swallow.
The future looks bright, for me, for my husband, and for my mom. We will finally be living in a place where we can build a nest egg and provide for one another. I am very excited for what is to come, and I know that when I’m struggling and missing my friends, I know that family never fails.