

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Keepin' Up With The Bournes'.

Truthfully, there isn't much to keep up with, but I have had an urge to write a new blog for the past few weeks- but adjusting to my new schedule has not allowed to me 1)Plan my Wedding NEARLY as much as I would like too, or 2) write.

On another truthful note, this is my little escape. There's nothing quite like turning on some music, and finding your place with pen to paper-- or fingers to keyboard. Tonight is a night for me to get away.

I've been managing KettlebellxTraining through the expansion, and getting all set up to become a trainer. While I've taught a few classes here and there (tonight included), my regular training schedule starts on Monday. I'll also being doing all nutritional consultations which is awesome. All of that is wonderful. Tomorrow is one year since I started working out there and it takes my breath away when I think how far I've come with everyone there. However, once again, that leaves Caleb and I adjusting to a new schedule. Which, should be nothing new. When I was working full time, I hardly saw him but I've become quite accustomed to seeing him in the mornings until he goes to work. ::sigh::. So, now I'll be teaching two back-to-back classes starting at 6am, followed by 7am, and then doing work at the gym til about 11 or so before heading back home. We'll see how it works out, but for now, it's just going to have too.

I announced it on facebook when it happened, but I have finally decided on my bridal party, asked them to take part in the day- to which they all said YES!

My best friend of 15 years is my Maid Of Honor. Because our friendship is truly unique in every aspect, I asked her to be my maid of honor differently than I asked any of the other girls in my bridal party. Here's the video I made of only some of the memories we've made through the years:

For the rest of the girls, I got a little crafty. Now, I had seen this idea on pinterest, but I didn't repin it because I didn't want anyone to know what I was thinking of doing, and I didn't want to start getting asked about my bridal party. So I made a mental note and put it into work. My bridesmaids include, Julie Dieter, who I've known for 15 years as well, Melissa Salts, who I've always considered like a little sister, and Krystal Avila- my newest friend of all of them, but still very dear to my heart. And then Aleigha- Melissa's Daughter is my precious little flower girl.
[Top Left: Ashley and I, Top Right: Aleigha and I, Bottom Left: Julie and I, Middle: Krystal and I, Bottom Right: Melissa (we've both lost such a tremedious amount of weight and haven't take a picture together, yet. I was NOT using an old one!)]

I started off with pre-painted white boxes that I picked up at Michaels, and some sticker letters for their initials on the front the box. Simple. I also found some tags at Michaels, so I picked those up too, along with a different style of alphabet letters for the words "maid". Bridesmaid was too long. They got the point.

When you opened the boxes up, the top inside was lined with purple scrapbooking paper, and the bottom lined with Silver. (See a theme here? We have wedding colors!) I printed out a cute picture I saw on Pinterest that says, "I've got the guy but I need my girls" and then printed out the following poem as well:

"You have always been there for me, You're more than just a friend. You're the one that I can turn too, you'll be there til the end. As I walk down the asile to begin my married life, will you be my bridesmaid as I become a wife".

The rest of the box had particular directions that I was asking from each of them. They were titled, "Your Role, The Dresses, and Our Day". You can click [here] if you're interested in knowing what each one said. 

Then, because that wasn't enough to fill it all up. I put in some other inspiration photos I've gathered from Pinterest. One included the Bridesmaid dresses and the color of it, that I've already picked out. along with more purple things, and then a contact sheet so they can all be in touch with one another if they need too. 

Over all, I enjoyed the way they turned out, and whatever the girls choose to do with them from now until the wedding day is up to them, but I was happy to have made it.
I'm not entirely sure where Caleb stands on his groomsmen, but we need to get it worked out and we also need to decide on a ring bearer. So, we have some more work to do on his end. We are also trying to find a photographer, wedding cake maker, DJ, and an officiant. We just haven't sat down to discuss it. We have however, finalized our guest list and now I need to start collecting addresses. So, slowly but surely things are coming together. As a bride, I would just love to focus just on the wedding however so it's planned perfectly. ::sigh:: if only.

Stay posted for more information. And check out our wedding website. I have updated some information over there too. 


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